Community Health Evangelism

Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a ministry tool being utilized in Africa to equip and mobilize local churches to reach their communities with the love of Christ in tangible ways. Through training, the local church is empowered to reach out to their community in a wholistic manner. They are taught how to identify both community needs and available local resources for relevant outreach. One church in Siavonga, Zambia was introduced to these concepts through a CHE vision seminar. Before formal CHE training was even initiated, they took the concepts they learned and put them into action. The church leaders conducted a simple assessment in their own church community and found several adults could not read nor write. On further investigation of a wider population, illiteracy was found to be a significant trend in their community. They were quick to identify a most valuable resource right there in their church…Teachers! Together with the help of these teachers, this local church began a literacy program which currently serves 50 adult students and continues to grow. Through adult education and the power of the Word of God, they are bringing transformation to their community.


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